Learn about Cilium with interactive courses

Deep dive into Cilium and its features with labs provided by companies within the Cilium ecosystem

Advanced BGP Features
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Advanced BGP Features

BGP support was initially introduced in Cilium 1.10 and subsequent improvements have been made since, such as the recent introduction of IPv6 support in Cilium 1.12 and Service IP Advertisements in Cilium 1.13. Improvements are continuing in Cilium 1.14 with the introduction of BGP timers, eBGP multihop and BGP Graceful restart! In this lab, the user will learn about both these new features and how they can simplify their network connectivity operations.

Advanced Gateway API Use Cases
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Advanced Gateway API Use Cases

This lab is a follow-up to the introductory Cilium Gateway API lab. We highly recommend you do the Cilium Gateway API lab first, if you haven’t done it already. In this one, you will learn about some additional specific use cases for Gateway API: Traffic splitting HTTP request header rewrite HTTP response header rewrite TLS Passthrough Cross-namespace routing

BGP on Cilium
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

BGP on Cilium

Learn how to connect your Kubernetes Clusters with your on-premises network using BGP. As Kubernetes becomes more pervasive in on-premise environments, users increasingly have both traditional applications and Cloud Native applications in their environments. In order to connect them together and allow outside access, a mechanism to integrate Kubernetes and the existing network infrastructure running BGP is needed. Cilium offers native support for BGP, exposing Kubernetes to the outside and all the while simplifying users’ deployments.

Cilium BIG TCP
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium BIG TCP

BIG TCP – a revolutionary networking technology – is now available with Cilium to provide enhanced network performances for your nodes. In this lab, you will learn how BIG TCP can improve throughput by 40-50% in your network. Try it to learn more

Cilium Cluster Mesh
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium Cluster Mesh

With the rise of Kubernetes adoption, an increasing number of clusters is deployed for various needs, and it is becoming common for companies to have clusters running on multiple cloud providers, as well as on-premise. Kubernetes Federation has for a few years brought the promise of connecting these clusters into multi-zone layers, but latency issues are more often than not preventing such architectures. Cilium Cluster Mesh allows you to connect the networks of multiple clusters in such as way that pods in each cluster can discover and access services in all other clusters of the mesh, provided all the clusters run Cilium as their CNI. This allows to effectively join multiple clusters into a large unified network, regardless of the Kubernetes distribution each of them is running. In this lab, we will see how to set up Cilium Cluster Mesh, and the benefits from such an architecture.

Cilium Egress Gateway
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium Egress Gateway

Kubernetes changes the way we think about networking. In an ideal Kubernetes world, the network would be entirely flat and all routing and security between the applications would be controlled by the Pod network, using Network Policies. In many Enterprise environments, though, the applications hosted on Kubernetes need to communicate with workloads living outside the Kubernetes cluster, which are subject to connectivity constraints and security enforcement. Because of the nature of these networks, traditional firewalling usually relies on static IP addresses (or at least IP ranges). This can make it difficult to integrate a Kubernetes cluster, which has a varying —and at times dynamic— number of nodes into such a network. Cilium’s Egress Gateway feature changes this, by allowing you to specify which nodes should be used by a pod in order to reach the outside world.

Cilium Gateway API
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium Gateway API

In this short lab, you will learn about Gateway API, a new Kubernetes standard on how to route traffic into a Kubernetes cluster. The Gateway API is the next generation of the Ingress API. Gateway API addresses some the Ingress limitations by providing an extensible, role-based and generic model to configure advanced L7 traffic routing capabilities into a Kubernetes cluster. In this lab, you will learn how you can use the Cilium Gateway API functionality to route HTTP and HTTPS traffic into your Kubernetes-hosted application.

Cilium IPv6 Networking and Observability
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium IPv6 Networking and Observability

Learn how simple IPv6 can be installed and operated with Cilium and Hubble. With Kubernetes’ IPv6 support improving in recent releases and Dual Stack Generally Available in Kubernetes 1.23, it’s time to learn about IPv6 on Kubernetes. You might be wondering “How on Earth am I going to be able to operate this?” Good news – you’re in the right place. This lab will walk you through how to deploy a IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Kubernetes cluster and install Cilium and Hubble to benefit from their networking and observability capabilities. In particular, visibility of IPv6 flows is absolutely essential. IPv6’s slow adoption is primarily caused by fears it would be hard to operate and manage. As you will see, a tool such as Hubble will help operators visualize and understand their IPv6 network better.

Cilium Ingress Controller
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium Ingress Controller

You already know that Cilium accelerates networking, and provides security and observability in Kubernetes, using the power of eBPF. Now Cilium is bringing those eBPF strengths to the world of Service Mesh. Cilium Service Mesh features eBPF-powered connectivity, traffic management, security and observability. In this lab, you will learn how you can use Cilium to deploy Ingress resources to dynamically configure the Envoy proxy provided with the Cilium agent. And all of the above without any Envoy sidecar injection into your pods!

Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and BGP Service Advertisement
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and BGP Service Advertisement

BGP support was initially introduced in Cilium 1.10 and subsequent improvements have been made since, such as the recent introduction of IPv6 support in Cilium 1.12. In Cilium 1.13, that support was enhanced with the introduction of Load Balancer IPAM and BGP Service address advertisements. In this lab, you will learn about both these new features and how they can simplify your network connectivity operations.

Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and L2 Service Announcement
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and L2 Service Announcement

In Cilium 1.13, we introduced support for LoadBalancer IP Address Management (LB-IPAM) and the ability to allocate IP addresses to Kubernetes Services of the type LoadBalancer. Cloud providers natively provide this feature for managed Kubernetes Services and therefore this feature is more one for self-managed Kubernetes deployments or home labs. LB-IPAM works seamlessly with Cilium BGP: the IP addresses allocated by Cilium can be advertised to BGP peers to integrate your cluster with the rest of your network. For users who do not want to use BGP or that just want to make these IP addresses accessible over the local network, we are introducing a new feature called L2 Announcements in Cilium 1.14. When you deploy a L2 Announcement Policy, Cilium will start responding to ARP requests from local clients for ExternalIPs and/or LoadBalancer IPs. Typically, this would have required a tool like MetalLB but Cilium now natively supports this functionality. Try it in this new lab!

L7 Load-Balancing with Kubernetes Services + Annotations
NetworkingFrom Isovalent

L7 Load-Balancing with Kubernetes Services + Annotations

Kubernetes does not natively support gRPC Load Balancing out of the box. Learn how to use Cilium’s embedded Envoy proxy to achieve load-balancing for L7 services, with a simple annotation.

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