
Cisco buy highlights container networking, security
Jan 17, 2024

Cisco buy highlights container networking, security

Network World reports on Cisco's recent acquisition of Isovalent and the significance of eBPF in mulitcloud networking and security

Cilium Week Recap: Preparing for Cilium Certification
Jan 15, 2024

Cilium Week Recap: Preparing for Cilium Certification

A series of resources which cover the majority of topics from the Cilium Certified Associate certification

Kubernetes on FreeBSD with Linux worker nodes and Cilium
Jan 14, 2024

Kubernetes on FreeBSD with Linux worker nodes and Cilium

Learn how to set up a Kubernetes cluster on FreeBSD with Cilium in a homelab

A Season Of Cilium: One Surprise Every Day
Nov 29, 2023

A Season Of Cilium: One Surprise Every Day

Join the Season of Cilium festive challenge: learn one new thing about Cilium every day for the next 24 days, and enter the new year ready to tackle your platform challenges

eBPF’s Journey – Unlocking The Kernel
Nov 08, 2023

eBPF’s Journey – Unlocking The Kernel

Learn about the journey of eBPF from its inception to the successful merge into the Linux kernel and witness how it has grown to be deployed everywhere

Catch the Cilium Wave at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Chicago
Nov 02, 2023

Catch the Cilium Wave at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Chicago spotlights the top five must-see Cilium sessions at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon NA 2023, focusing on eBPF-based networking advancements in Kubernetes, with real-world applications and in-depth technical workshops highlighted among the key reasons to attend​

Cilium Talks at KubeCon NA 2023
Oct 30, 2023

Cilium Talks at KubeCon NA 2023

Find all the Cilium talks at KubeCon NA 2023

Kubernetes Community Days UK: Keynote Cilium and eBPF
Oct 24, 2023

Kubernetes Community Days UK: Keynote Cilium and eBPF

This post discusses a keynote by Liz Rice at Kubernetes Community Days UK, introducing Cilium's Mutual Authentication feature powered by eBPF and notes Cilium's recent CNCF graduation, indicating its stability for production use

Meet the Maintainer - Aditi Ghag
Oct 24, 2023

Meet the Maintainer - Aditi Ghag

Learn more about Aditi and how she got involved with Cilium



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